Services: Massage And Facial Spa
Luna Massage And Wellness' Service Menu
Luna Massage And Wellness' Day Spa is located in Denver, CO's Fivepoints/Ballpark neighborhood (80205). We are a dry spa, which means we do not have showers. Massage services are available 7 days a week from 9:00am-8:00pm. Our Day Spa is a cool 72 degrees, spacious, and inviting. Our tables warm up, and hot stones and hot towels are available. Click around to learn the differences between Swedish, Deep tissue, and Therapeutic Massages.
60 minute Couple's Massage...... $230.00
75 minute Couple's Massage...... $270.00
90 minute Couples Massage....... $310.00
30 Min Half Body ......................... $70.00
30 Minute Foot Massage...............$70.00
1 hour Swedish Massage.............. $115.00
1 hour Deep Tissue Massage.........$115.00
1 hour Therapeutic Massage....... $115.00
1 hour Sports Massage................ $115.00
1 hour Pre-Natal/Pregnancy......... $115.00
75 Min Swedish Massage............. $135.00
75 Min Deep Tissue Massage....... $135.00
75 Min Therapeutic Massage....... $135.00
75 Min Sports Massage ............... $135.00
75 Min Prenatal Massage............. $135.00
90 Min Swedish Massage............ $155.00
90 Min Deep Tissue Massage...... $155.00
90 Min Therapeutic Massage...... $155.00
90 Min Sports Massage................$155.00
90 Min Prenatal Massage ........... $155.00
Chemical Peels
Lactic Acid Peel.................................$150
Alpha/Beta Peel................................$150
Jessner Peel......................................$150
Consultation with Esthetician required before booking any peel.
Call to Book!
Customized Experience
Neck and Shoulder Massage ............ $30.00
Foot massage.................................... $30.00
Hand Massage .................................. $30.00
Hot towels......................................... $10.00
Hot Stones......................................... $20.00
Body Steam (15 Minutes).................. $40.00
Hand Treatment................................. $20.00
Deluxe Relaxation (CBD).................... $30.00
Facials: Skincare
Basic/Express............................... $65.00
Acne/ Skin Clearing Facial...........$120.00
Luna Signature Facial...................$110.00
Oxygen Facial...............................$185.00
Anti Aging Facial..........................$120.00
Galvanic (add on)...........................$15.00
HF (add on)....................................$10.00
Eyelash Tint...................................$25.00
Eyebrow Tint..................................$25.00
Eyelash/Eyebrow Combo...............$40.00
Foot Facial .....................................$60.00
Full Body: Salt Scrub .....................$60.00
Full Body: Salt and Mud...............$130.00
60 Minute Session
Express Facial + Full Body Salt Scrub.....$120
Tip to Tail:
90 Minute Spa Package
Luna Massage And Wellness' answer to not having enough time for a spa day. This 90 minute treatment includes: Basic Facial (express Facial), Foot Facial, Full Body Salt Scrub.................................................$190
House Spa Package:
Two Hour Spa Package
This 130 minutes Spa day eases you into relaxation by address all of your winter concerns. Skincare from your forehead to your toes. Leave Luna Massage And Wellness feeling Silky and loving the way your look! Full Facial | Body Treatment | Steam | Foot Facial..................................................$270
Smooth Skin Spa Day/ DETOX
80 Minutes...............................$160
Sweat it out with Luna Massage And Wellness! Full body Salt scrub, steam and choice of either Foot Facial or Express facial.
Luxury Package
Three Hour Spa Package .............$325
Results Driven Spa Package includes a Luxury Facial |90 Minute Custom Massage of your choice| Foot Facial or Full Body Salt Scrub. Add-On Hot Stones or Steam to further customize your experience.
We have refined our menu to have only the Best Massages, Facials, and Spa packages that Denver could have.
THANK YOU for being the most awesome clientele around!
To book your massage, facial or full body treatment, call 720-235-8181, book online or email us with any questions or comments.
If you live in Five Points, Ballpark, Downtown Denver, LoDo, Rino, Uptown or Curtis Park we encourage you to walk or bike to your next appointment!
Luna Massage And Wellness' Day Spa is located in Denver, Colorado 80205. We are just a few blocks from Coors Field, Great Divide Brewing. We are less than a mile from many major Downtown Denver hotels.
Schedule your Spa Day Now
Pro Tip:
We don't always make it to the phone. If you leave a message we will absolutely call you back, but you are welcome to book online HERE